Friday, October 27, 2006


Today Jessica and I carved pumpkins after school. We make an awesome team... our jack-o-lanterns are badass.

This is Jessica's: She goes for the "classic" look this year...

This is mine, I went for the "what the fuck" theme this year...

Other than that, I plan on nerd-bagging a whole hell of alot this weekend... although I must say I've done a rather tragic job thus far.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Pharmacy Pubcrawl Hilarities

As it turns out, I ended up going on the pubcrawl, which I solely credit to Kim, because Kim is not sketchy. Stuber also had a hand in making me go because he apparently was going to kick my ass if I didn't. (thanks for that, buddy)

Anyways, as always the Pharmacy crew is full of fucking drama! I haven't had a night so filled with weird ass stories of goings on in a long time. (I hope that made as much sense as it did in my head). Anyways, it was a good night from what I remember, lots of drama, dancing, drinking, etc etc. I wrote a few choice things on people's shirts... one that went over quite well was the "Kiss me, I'm Jewish" slogan.

I won't actually recant any of the stories of the night because I like to keep incriminating evidence to myself. The one peice of advice I can say is, don't leave your cell phone out. Sorry to those who got some crude text messages from my phone, it wasn't actually me.... I think Richels took the brunt of it. (thanks for taking one for the team Lindsay! haha).

Other than that, I was a pretty hurtin' unit the next day, and then finally made it back to my own house to sleep off my hangover all afternoon. Don't get me wrong though, the night was definatly worth it.

Friday, October 20, 2006


So tonight Rachel and I were having coffee and driving around the city, like we do, and discussed a mutual aquaintance, Greg. As it turns out, we both fucking hate Greg. It's like, no matter what you do, or how well you do it, Greg is right there to fuck it all up and fuck you over. Greg is like that older sibling that just liked to fuck with you for no other reason than for their own amusement. Greg just fucking sucks. I don't even want to go out anymore because I know Greg will be there to screw me over, but then I guess even if I stay home Greg will find a way to be a huge douche-bag there too.

I'll write more about Greg later, you know, keep the kids in suspense and such. You'll soon all come to understand the story behind Greg, and why I wish he would just get crushed by an overpass. So, until I reveal some much needed explanations, just say it with me...

(p.s.: fucking Greg, fucking asshole, just fucking with shit)

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Irritable Cunt Day..... no not a yeast infection

Today was one of those days where you would swear that I didn't take my medication in the morning or something... Although in my defense, people are fucking retards. So needless to say, I just wasn't my normal chipper self today (ha!)

On another note, I was thinking I wanted a mohawk... I even found some scissors, but then decided against it and had a nap instead. I like mohawks, especially fauxhawks... they seem more stylish.

All in all, today sucked ass because I was awake.

Tomorrow is the Pharmacy and Nutrition Pubcrawl. I have a shirt and might go, but I also might just sleep. It really is a toss up. I hate bars, and then I usually end up drunk so I can stand them, and well, we all knows where that ends up. Or maybe just I do, and you don't need to...

bLAH, Blah, I need coffee.


Also, I made an ugly picture on MS Paint.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Zombie Pubcrawl Hilarities.

As promised, I have stories of the Zombie Pubcrawl. Most of which start off with "Rachel was really fucking drunk and...". You see, Rachel and I devised a system in which one of us is shit-faced and the other is less-so in order to take care of the first. And since this was Rachel's pubcrawl, Rachel was shit-faced. In fact, after I had cut her off, she continued to drink and drink, and do shots...

Here are some highlights of the night:
- The Pat playing Thriller, and the "zombie-dance" reinactment.
- The Scuz playing "Let the bodies Hit the floor" and everyone else looking scared
- Rachel's drunken rantings
- Missing the bus back to Ryly's due to Scuz-hoodlams trying to jump Ran-G.
- Rachel negotiating a sock selling in the bathroom bar
- The crazy tattoo artist from Edmonton who just kept popping up
- Every second person we met having had a tattoo by Rachel, and they weren't even on the pubcrawl
- Darryl kicking ass, and the other guy getting in trouble

So, to display this evening properly, I made a nifty collage!

The best story of all comes at the end of the evening when Rachel had obviously too much to drink at that point, and apparently nothing to eat all day... Which she then promptly threw-up in the middle of Ryly's, and then passed out! So I took Rachel, wrapped her around a toilet, tried to find Amanda who had already left, and then called Melody to pick us up and the grand ol' hour of 12:30am.

So we put Rachel to bed, in the basement, because she was too drunk to go home, and left her with a puke bucket and a Dora doll. We thought Dora would be comforting.

The End.

Friday, October 13, 2006


Pubcrawl tonight people, and apparently I'm the only sucker going. Bitches.

I should really be studying for Therapeutics, but I'm just such a damn good friend. (Please see I'm awesome for more details.)

Tales of the amusing hilarities will follow I'm sure, and pictures of course.... incriminating evidence is always funny.

ahhhhhhh yeah.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Therapeutics = The Devil

Not much new around here these days, I live a simple yet malcontented life of coffee, school, coffee, study, sleep, repeat. Yes, the dreaded Therapeutics midterm is approaching at a rapid rate, and I've caught "the fear". Which is probably a good thing, I think I study better with the fear. Without the fear I find studying seems a mundane endeavor.

Also, everyone should come on the Zombie-pubcrawl. Pull your nose out of your books for one night, a part of a night even, and have something to show for your weekend. You can nerd it up good before AND after, think about it..... it is do-able... unlike that creepy motherfucker on Stuber's blog.



Sunday, October 08, 2006

Oct. 13th - Zombie Pubcrawl!

Friday, October 13th: ZombieBomb Productions presents:

Year of the Zombie Pubcrawl!!!!!!

That's right kiddies! Come and party with the Tantrix Crew. It is going to be a gong show, and I will be smack-dab in the middle of it. Rewinding slightly, the story is Rachel and I thought up an idea of having a pubcrawl, then Rachel actually makes the shit work! She's crazy. And of course it wouldn't be Rachel's Pubcrawl without Zombies. Don't ask. If you know Rachel you'd be like "oh yeah, it wouldn't be the same without zombies".

So the deal is, it's actually free. Rachel, in true tattoo artist fashion is footing the bill for this bitch, t-shirts included. What more can you ask for? A free motherfucking pubcrawl surrounded by some of the craziest tattooed freaks you've ever seen! And let me tell you, when the Tantrix crew goes out on the town, we go ALL out..... it'll be a gong show, a glorious, glorious, gong show.

So if you want to witness this catastrophe first hand, you can get tickets from me or Rachel, and if you don't know who we are, what the hell are you reading this for?

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Slurpees... the new Chicken soup

I've been down and out for a few days now, the dreaded 4th year flu.... Cramming 80-some people into a tiny classroom for hours on end is not the best scenario to ensure proper air circulation, and as such, I get sick.

Instead of chicken soup though, I've generously received slurpees two days in a row now, one even with a Kinder egg. That's how you tell if your friends are just awesome, or all-stars.

Thanks guys, the sugar high made me feel alot better. As did the ballroom dance display :)

Monday, October 02, 2006

I'm awesome, check me out

My neighbourhood hero, Mike Stuber, has added me to his blog links...

*single tear*

The man who graced the world with his heroic insight: "Why fart and waste it, when you can burp and taste it?" I'm so grateful for this honour and privilege.... but mostly I'm f-ing awesome. Yes, that is the conclusion, I rule all the B-tches.

Do I need to monitor my own profanity on this site? I don't know... Mike, help me out here buddy.

Anyways, back to my awesomeness... You see kids, the basic premise here... is what is known as an "inside joke". My friend Rachel and I have this agreement, or "inside joke", between us about being awesome. The fundamental concept is perhaps quite obvious to some, and that is the fact that we, ourseleves, do not think that we are awesome. And in there lies the gest! We go on to portray to others that we are, infact, awesome! What a contrary folly!

Have I lost anyone yet?

So that is why I don't actually seem conceited when I say how awesome I am! So check me out, I'm all sorts of amazing!

I like punk/rock/metal/alternative music, basically anything that isn't country. I probably have more tattoos than your favorite guitarist, but I'm not as flashy about it. I find horror movies absolutley hilarious to the point of being slightly sadistic. I think Kung Fu movies make for an excellent Saturday afternoon. I love UFC, but have no idea what the hell is going on in any other sport. I'll pick you up at 3:30 am to drive your drunk ass to your boyfriend's house, even if I am half-asleep and in my pajamas when you get into the vehicle. I like video games, computer games and board games. I like to make fun of annoying b-tches. I have fishes named Reginald and Movis. And no, those names didn't come from anywhere, I just made that sh-t up. I'm in my last year of Pharmacy, so I'll actually make money sometime in the near future. I drink more coffee than Tweak from South Park. I actually watch South Park. I swear more than a trucker who lost his flask of gin. Your grandparents will think I'm awesome too... old people f-ing LOVE me. I both understand the concept of hygiene and put it to use. I will always be more neurotic than you, and I'm ok with that. I have sisters who are nice, even if I'm not. Apparently they are hot too. I have a kick ass CD collection. I have a record player. I actually use my record player. I wore a pink shirt one time. I can knit. I knew how to knit long before it became popular because of Grey's Anatomy. Batman kicks ass.

Ok, that last one wasn't about me, but
Damn, I'm that good.

*author note: I have a tendancy to not make any f-ing sense at times... and you'll never get that 30 seconds of life back. Ha!