Friday, September 29, 2006

Pearls of wisdom

I feel it is my duty to impart the pearls of wisdom that have been shared with me this week. I don't know what happened to everyone lately... but they have had some magical revelations which I thought were fantastic, and thus, will share with everyone.

Melody's life philosophy: "Eat alot of candy... but then there are those times when you've had too much candy......"

Amber's pearls of wisdom: "I can't live on love and ignorance forever."

Rachel's suggestion: "Sometimes you just need to get a little high"

and finally I'll impart my latest theory....

"If you think about it objectively, life is slightly ridiculous"

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Hughes vs Penn.... yes, I like UFC

I don't know why its so hard to beleive, but yes, I am a UFC fan. Although, I am not as manic about it as the rest of my family. However, I do enjoy three rounds of five minute ass-whoopings as much as the next girl.

After UFC 63 I feel that I must defend my boy Penn, as he got KO'ed by Hughes (who is one tank of a human being). Penn took the fight last minute and yes, was not in top shape but he held his own. Plus, what other fighter can go into complete leg splits and not get taken to the mat?! Really, that's impressive. Lets see Hughes do that, he'd probably rip a muscle and have to replace it with one of the enormous muscles from his neck. I'm surprized that he can breathe without the mass of muscle in his neck cutting off his air supply.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Random Rants

Out of the many, many, many rants I come fully equipped with, today I think I'll bring out an oldy but a goody. I could talk about Michelle's Fiesta and all the good times involved, but instead, I would like to take this moment to rant about "motherf*ckers".

I think the term motherf*cker is not given its fair share of credit. Personally, I think we all should use the term motherf*cker more often.

You see, "motherf*cker" has gotten a bad rap. Some childish fiends have coined the phrase to mean "One who likes to f*ck mothers" when in fact, it does not mean that at all.

The origional meaning of motherf*cker was, and should always be known as, "the mother of all f*ckers". That is the proper use of this statement, which makes it so awesome. So, go forth unto the world and share the potent knowledge I have bestowed upon you!

You heard it first here, kiddies. The mother of all f*ckers.