As you proceed through the ramble it is also a good idea to get off topic once or twice. This will engage the reader in a little quirky tidbit of information that they normally would not care to know. Profs seem to be quite good at this. Some teachers as well (Lance, I’m talking to you here buddy!) Perhaps they get some sort of course or class in rambling.... but I doubt it. It is a good thought though. Anyways, large words are also ok to be used in rambling. I guess small words would have to be used... So in summary, any size of word can be used. And if you do the rambling correctly some odd phrases or words just might spill out. For instance, I was writing a paper today on validating a drug screening procedure for serum sample (fun, I know.) and towards the middle of my “Results” section I found myself pondering for a word to replace the one I was thinking of. Normally I would be looking for words to substitute “good” or “valid”... something of that nature. But this time I was trying to find a word to use in the place of propensity... I ended up just leaving it in there because it was the only thing to make sense to me at the time... but you get my point there. Sometimes odd phrases and words are the only thing you can write, so never stop to try and think of another one... just write it down... it’s rambing... it’s not supposed to make alot of sense!
Now, I know I said that you shouldn’t read back through the rambling writings... but you should check for spelling. Spelling is usually the culprit in “ramblings gone wrong”. Mainly due to the fact that ramblings are stitched together very loosely and don’t often make sense to begin with, so if you spell something wrong, it makes even less sense. And less sense is not good sense.... in this sense. Along with spelling, proper punctuation is a good idea. It doesn’t have to be a proper sentence structure, but the reader needs to know when to take a break. Infact, your rambling could be just one giant sentence, but as long as you add some commas in there, everything will be ok. Another option is the flagrant use of periods... indicating a continued idea path but yet long enough to create a pause... see what I mean........ this could go on for a while.... it works quite well....I have to say I quite enjoy e-mails like this...... especially this one in particular..... but we won’t get into that at this time..... :)
So, my friends... there you have it. The keys to the success in the world of rambling... all the things you never knew you needed to know, but probably didn’t need to know anyway.
** I thought you would enjoy this little diddy of a tune.... for bagpipes I believe.... but still... goodtimes.... I'm sure 1785 was a good year for bagpipe composers.....
Ramblin' is a lost art, I like to call it ramblin' with an ' instead of a g because it makes it seem like it rolls of the tongue a bit better... although in this case it shouldn't roll off the tongue unless you read out loud like a moron, which, if its you, I'm sorry to call you a moron, but I digress. As I said, the ramble is a lost art and one that should really be revived. Why I haven't heard such a ramble as I heard back in the 18th century to some good ol bagpipe music and frosty pint of beer. Which tells you that I'm lying because I do'nt think they could have 'frosty' pints back then what with having no electricity or refrigeration. Or was there? Who knows. In conclusion, rambling kicks ass.
rambling kicks ass, mike, but rambling dave does not. that's your standpoint?
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