Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Dear Michelle

Yes Michelle, indeed I do not hate you. We are "BFF's", I mean, who else would laugh with me... repeatedly saying BFF at an ever increasing rate? ....BFF, Bff, Bff, Bfff, ....that is hilarity at it's finest!

Also, this brush thing, I think you may have to get the hairbrush out for finals.... I got the fear early. But I'm sure our last minute study sessions will overcome all odds, as they have done so many times in the past.

On a side note, I love DNA headbands. Also, I love the fact that Michelle was the only one to notice that the headband did infact, have a representation of DNA on it. Nerdbag.

Your a ho-baggin good time!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awww.....Brenda you are my BFFinfinity.....DNA headband and stone child are just my BFF's.