Sunday, November 26, 2006

Ask me why I hate you

So its getting close to the end of the year... and we are all getting closer to the end of our ropes. Or at least I am, not that I was that far off to begin with.. HA! The cure for the end of semester blues? I bought more CD's!!!! Three to be exact, although I really only wanted one of them, the others looked fun.

The one I actually was looking for was the new Alexisonfire album "Crisis". I can't get enough of screamo with Dallas Green vocals in the background. That's just a good time. Although, I've mainly just listened to one song repeatedly... and I still can't get it out of my head. So if your looking for a good one, I think it's called "This city could be anywhere" or something to that effect... I'm too lazy to actually check.

Then I bought the new Justin Timberlake album. I shit you not! I really did! He was on Ellen, and for some reason I was watching Ellen.... but Melody and I decided that it would be a good addition to our household. And apparently I'm the one with the music and she just borrows them, so I get to buy Justin Timberlake CD's and tell the guy at the counter that I don't need a gift receipt. Niiiiiiicccccceeeeeeeeee.

And lastly and least.... I bought Gnarls Barkley as an afterthought. To be clear, I think the exact afterthought was "Hey, I think I liked one song on this album one time......" Maybe I do actually have some strange sort of CD-OCD, because I seem to buy CDs in three's, even ones I don't really care for... oh well... at least I have a bitchin collection (minus the last 2 albums listed).

In other events, there is one week and one day of class left, and I really don't want to go. I really don't. Don't get me wrong, everyone at school is really cool, I'm just tired of being there and seeing the same people everyday for the past 3 and 1/2 years. No offense, I'm kindof a bitch.
Infact, I probably shouldn't have gone out on Friday, but you all can blame Stubor for any rude, bitchy and inappropriate things I may have said or done. I didn't want to go, but he conned me into it, and apparently I'm easily led astray...

I beleive my departing words of the evening were, "I hate everyone and I want to go home". Nice eh? Santa definatly isn't coming to my house this year. He can choke on his cookies as far as I'm concerned.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am are the sunshine that sits beside me every day!! I look forward to going to school so that I can see your lovely face. I just wish that you felt the same way about me. What would I do without my BFF? Who would brush my hair when I am stressed? Who would bash the dumbasses in our class with me? Who would appreciate DNA headbands with me? Who, Brenda WHO?!?!??!?!