Sunday, February 18, 2007

Yorkton is balls.

I have survived my first week of five in ol' craptown Yorkton. My SPEP is quite hardcore, but I like it! It's kinda fun to feel smart, and at the same time have people understand what your saying.... You never have to explain yourself, or your nerdy jokes that only pharmacy-geeks would find funny, goodtimes. However, having Bev Allen pimp out my mom's house was a disastrous mistake. I have never wanted to hurt someone more in my life... and I think Laura feels the same. Our strategy at the end of last week was the hide and don't talk method, in which we just hoped she wouldn't notice us. Not nice, I know, but I think I'm being alot nicer than I normally would be in this situation. Especially since I'm kindof a bitch.

Moving right along... I went out to the new bar here in Y-town called Razors. It can be described as a lame wannabe-McGuires, with a dance floor. The waitress was actually surprised when I ordered a pint! Can you believe it, a pub... and no one with a pint, that is slightly ridiculous. The other ridiculous part was that I was out with Melody and her friends. Let me tell you, if you want to have a bad time, that's the way to go. Being known as "Melody's sister with the tattoos" isn't the most fun I've ever had, and neither is having to speak at a grade 5 level in order to have people understand me. Yorkton just sucks the life you of me, it's like the plague! I should really up my meds before I come here, because it's always the same....

Now that emo-time is over, I won't bitch about Yorkton anymore... especially since I'm going back to Saskatoon next weekend, for the one and only... Lance's Birthday! Goodtimes to be had people!

I think I bought a new car, more on this later.
I'm sure you care. really.


Lance said...

awwww yeeeaahhh! im gonna party like it's my birthday. drink bacardi like it's my birthday. grind with brendawg like it's my birthday. among other things...

Lance said...

and the new car? that's exciting. here's to hoping it's a chevrolet...

Mike said...

Well of course you can't expect them to know what a pint is in Yorkton. Colt 45 and Listerine only come by the bottle. And Moonshine or whatever you hillbillies out there drink is in barrel form. Silly Brenda, pints are for the civilized.