Sunday, February 04, 2007

In A Month's Time

Well kids, It's almost been a full month.......... I bet you didn't even notice! I should change my slogan to "brendawg, the long lasting effect".... Wow, that really makes me sounds like a hooker from the yellow-pages advertising herpes. Anyways,

So I'm in my last week of rotation #1 of my internship phase... And that's basically it. I go to the evil-shoppers-drug-mart every day and toil and slave and council the masses, distributing my knowledge to all that seek it. I've done some kick-ass projects, such as the new Cox-2 Prexige! woo.hoo. yay.
No, no, it hasn't been all that bad, I've learned quite a bit. I even get coffee made for me, that's pretty damn nice

Anyways, since my month has been so unproductive, I would like those parties reading this blog to tell me about theirs. That's right asshole, you. You know I'm talking to you, write a damn comment! I mean, afterall, someone's got to write some interesting shit in this bitch, and it's sure as hell itsn't going to be me!


Mike said...

I can't believe you're moving to Yorkton. Fucking Bev, he should have left you here. Anyways, good update, I better get lots from your travels eastward.

Mike said...


I missed your posts

brendawg said...

you would.
